Preston & BarbieriAmusement rides manufacturerDouble coaster
double coaster
family ride supplier double coaster
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Double Coaster

This attraction is a family type rollercoaster that will give you the thrilling experience of racing head to head with another rollercoaster train.

The Double Coaster is designed and built according to your country regulations and quality certifications.

The trains run over a railway system that consists of two parallel railways, located at different heights and at different inclinations. After the first tour is finished the trains reach the station where they are ready to start a second tour. Once the trains have finished the second tour they will be slowed down, and the safety lap bars will be electronically unlocked and shall open automatically to grant the passengers exchange.

Lenght dimension73 m
Width dimension48 m
Height dimension12 m
Total track lenght570 m
Number of trains6
Number of vehicles per train2
Passengers per vehicles4
Theoretical hourly capacity900 pph
Minimum passenger height105 cm
Max speed50.4 km/h
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